For anyone over the age of say 35, there was a Supertramp song in the late 70s that you may recall, "Goodbye baby, it's been nice, I hope you find your paradise." Well we're saying goodbye to the blue-grid dark ink-jet product as the company that manufacturers it is now involved in a nasty patent infringement suit whereby they have had a cease and desist served on them. Based on this, they are no longer able to manufacture or sell the blue-grid product in North America. Based on this, we suggest you start testing the 3-G Opaque by Neenah, the Jet-Opaque II by Neehah or the IYA Iron-ll Dark. All these products are great dark ink-jet products available at, you can sample them in the Sample Packs section of the website if you want to do some testing before ordering.
The blue-grid going away is industry wide thus while you may find some remaining stock, once people are sold out, it's done and over with, they won't be getting more. Be prepared and start testing for the dark ink-jet product that you want to move on to before it gets really busy, really soon!